Tuesday, November 29, 2011

GvHD vs. GPH

I walked into Gord's room to find him sitting at the edge of the bed. Two Physiotherapists stood on either side of him, showing him some leg & arm exercises he can do to keep things moving. He's been in bed for 2 weeks now.

Gord's always been a strong, active guy. When we met we'd walk everywhere - long walks where we talked lots & found out about each other. When the weather turned nicer the walks turned into bicycle rides (that's when I learned he is a leader, not a follower). The first summer we were together we decided to go camping one long weekend in Tobermory. The camp site was incredibly remote as it was along the Bruce Trail. When Gord called to reserve our site, he was told that the trail to get there was 'somewhat challenging'. We paid no mind - "We walk all the time!" And we loaded up our backpacks (like really, really loaded them up) and set off. It was indeed very difficult but just when I was about to complain, Gord would point out something totally awesome & I would shut my mouth. I fell big time in love with him on that trip.

When he was diagnosed with ALL in 2007, I remember just staring at him, wondering how it was possible that he was so sick. He looked so strong. So healthy.

Today I saw that strength. He is still exhausted, and yes, for the most part very weak, but his determination cannot be dampened.

They started him on Campath yesterday & we were told that it would take about 7 days to see if it was going to be an effective way to deal with his GvHD. The Dr told us to mentally prepare for Gord to be in the hospital for at least another 4-6 weeks. This means we'll have to figure something out for Christmas, but honestly I knew this one would be a long stay. I was already prepared for it.

My mom's still here with me to look after Frankie during the day so I can be at the hospital. Frankie is such a doll - such a joy to come home to - she fills this apartment with so much light.

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